Sleep is a vital part of our lives. It helps our bodies recharge and process the events of the day and provides us with much-needed rest in order to heal, regenerate cells and give clarity to our minds.

Getting a good night’s sleep is worth its weight in gold!

We’ve all experienced those seasons of life where sleep is difficult to come by. Whether it’s a new baby, a stressful time at work, or a personal matter playing on our minds and keeping us awake when we should be resting.

Today, I wanted to chat about some activities we can all undertake to improve our sleep hygiene and get a better night’s sleep!


What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the practices that we perform before bedtime, to encourage and support quality sleep. Fostering healthy sleep hygiene can have many beneficial flow-on effects, including improving overall mood and the formation of memories. There are a few activities that we can employ to boost our sleep hygiene and set healthy habits for rest and downtime.

So, what are these activities? Well, they’re generally simple to start, in fact, you may already be doing some!


Start a sleep routine

A sleep routine can be a couple of steps you do each night before bed or something a little more complex. It could be as simple as brushing your teeth, removing your makeup and moisturising your face, or it could include journaling, stretching, meditation, and any number of other things to help you unwind. The main thing is that you establish habits that signal to your brain that sleep is near. Try to start out with just a few routine activities to avoid becoming overwhelmed. In time, you’ll learn what works best for you.


Put down the phone

While it may be tempting to scroll through social media or watch videos on your phone while lying in bed, this may actually be sabotaging your snoozing. The light emitted by our phones and other screens can make it difficult for us to fall asleep, as they can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin. Avoid using your phone in bed where possible!


Limit caffeine

Okay, so this can be a tough habit to break – particularly for those of us who rely on a coffee (or three!) to help get us through a busy day! But limiting the amount of caffeine you have in a day can have fantastic results on your body’s ability to fall asleep. As a stimulant, caffeine is designed to energise us and keep us alert and awake… not what you want when it’s bedtime! Try to limit the amount of number of coffees or other caffeinated beverages you have in a day, and try to have your last intake of caffeine at least 7 hours before you plan to go to sleep.


Get your thoughts on a page

If you find that you lie awake in bed at night, unable to sleep due to the thoughts swimming through your mind, you may like to try journaling. Journaling can let you express any emotions or thoughts you have about the day that has just occurred. It allows you to express your feelings and anxieties about the day you have had, so that when it is time to rest, your mind can be free from these worries. If it’s the thought of everything you have on the following day that’s keeping you up, try writing a to-do list out the night before.


Try essential oils

Smell is a powerful, often overlooked sense. Essential oils can be used to create an association within your brain that it’s time to sleep. Choose a scent that makes you feel calm, content, and relaxed. You may like to try lavender, camomile, peppermint or any of the other scents that can help you relax and drift off. Put a few drops in a diffuser, on your pillow, or rub a little into your temples and wrists to send you to dreamland.


Create a place of rest

Your bedroom is your haven for sleep, relaxation, and intimacy. There are many ways to hone a healthy sleeping habitat, I’ll list a couple of easy and achievable ways to make a start. Along with putting your phone down, try to avoid watching TV in bed. In fact, I’d go as far as saying leave the TV and phone out of the bedroom! And as tempting as it may be when you’re feeling exhausted but still have deadlines, don’t bring your work to bed! Make sure your room is dark and quiet, and the temperature is comfortable. A calm and restful bedroom will help you unwind before bedtime. Make your bedroom a place for sleep and sex rather than work and worries – your body will pick up on the signals if you commit to these tranquil bedroom guidelines!


Begin practicing meditation

Meditation can help teach the mind to purposefully unwind. You may like to practice mindfulness to create more inner peacefulness before going to bed. Meditation may become part of your regular night-time routine. The practice allows you to train your mind, becoming more aware of what is happening as your body moves toward sleep. In time, you may find that the meditation helps you fall asleep faster and sleep deeply! Check out my free downloadable guided meditations to help get you started.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading a little bit about sleep hygiene and why it can be so important. What other tips or tricks have you learned over the years for a good night’s sleep? Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] to share your experiences with me. I’m always keen to know more!

Alex x