As someone who has long believed in the therapeutic benefits of spending time in nature, I was reminded of its profound impact on our lives during a recent impromptu camping weekend with my hubby and three kids. This experience reinforced my conviction that mother nature has so much to offer us, and it energised me to share my reflections with you.

My family and I function at our highest when we are spontaneous and living in the moment. To the outside world, this often gets perceived as being disorderly, shambolic, and disorganised. However, within our four walls, our spontaneity in fact, heightens our happiness, and our energy, and leaves us feeling connected to each other and life’s purpose.

Our recent weekend away in the beautiful Victorian High Country (foothills of the snow fields) was not glamorous – it was very cold (0°C), wet, and we had little to no creature comforts.
Think; no power, no shower, no toilets, no heating, no phone connectivity, no plan.
Ironically though, I would describe the weekend as opulent, bountiful and perfect in every sense. In those moments, I had everything I needed and more.
What we did have; a tent, thermal clothing, a camp oven, food, an adventurous spirit and nature herself.

The absence of modern world conveniences was welcomed with a far more wholesome exchange of nature’s gifts.
The bright, star-filled sky had powered each of our conversations, wonderings and discoveries, within nature, and ourselves.
Time was plentiful, the hectic beat of everyday life was temporarily placed on hold. The crackling fire warmed our toes and souls and provided us with a means to cook our food with love and thoughtful consideration. Our access to water was that of the chilly river stream that ran serenely and constantly beside us.
Our own human connectivity far surpassed that of any mobile phone tower. We talked, listened, laughed and I cried; a lot (joyful tears, cue Hunters and Collectors – if you know, you know 😉). We played, mocked, hiked, huddled, adventured, explored, reminisced, and dreamt.

Whilst some tasks were more effort in one sense, (think: tying shoelaces when your fingers are frozen stiff, or digging a hole instead of pushing the flush button) there was an unspoken physiological and emotional sense of calm which washed away the extra ‘effort’ that was being asked.

I imagine nature as a regulator. It can strip one of many known comforts and assumed needs, yet in exchange offers so many other gifts and can nourish the soul, providing both tangible and non-tangible elements that can establish an inner sense of peace and equilibrium.

I appreciate that camping is not for everyone. In fact, I’m aware that even the notion can provoke anxiety that is counterintuitive for some. Of course, the benefits of spending time in nature is no secret, it has been well discussed, researched and documented over the years. However, the significance of this anecdote is to simply shine a spotlight on how one spends their time in nature, be it in the back courtyard, on a balcony, at the park, surfing, hiking or camping remotely.

🤔 Do you momentarily pause and actually feel the cold air on your skin or hear that particular bird’s call sound? Do you take wonder in the colour of the leaves as the seasons change around us, or breath in and note the smell of the freshly cut grass? Or do you enjoy mother nature’s space but ultimately do not consider yourself a part of her?

Irrespective of how you respond to these reflections, they are neither right nor wrong. They are merely contemplations and an offering to consider if nature could serve you at a higher level and unlock a deeper level of well-being just by connecting with her more mindfully.

Below is a free, downloadable resource that I have created. The practice aims to invite and gently guide you to engage with nature more mindfully.

Alex x

The Sound of Nature Practice DOWNLOAD HERE